College & Career Readiness

English Language Learners Program (ELL / ESL)

Para comunicarse en español, llame al 704-216-3896 (Concord/Kannapolis) o 704-216-7247 (Salisbury).
Deje su nombre, número telefónico, y hable despacio por favor.


Class Schedule (Online & In-Person)

  • Monday – Thursday (Lunes a Jueves)
  • AM: 9:00-12:00
  • PM: 6:30-9:30


Registration (Matricula)

  • We have two semesters that start in January and July. (Tenemos dos semestres que empiezan en enero y julio).
  • Registration by appointment only several months before the semester begins. (Inscripción sólo con cita previa varios meses antes de que comience el semestre).


Program Policies

  • This course is funded by the state of North Carolina (El programa es finaniado por el estado)
  • Daily attendance is mandatory (La asistencia diaria es obligatoria)
  • You must demonstrate progress by gaining one level during the academic year (July 1 – June 30)
  • If you do not gain a level during the year, it is not possible to register again the next year
    (Si no demuestra progreso en un año académico, no puede matricularse de nuevo el próximo año)
  • There are only 200 spots available. 100 at North Campus and 100 at South Campus. Because some students continue from one semester to the next, we have very limited available spots.
    (Tenemos un límite de 100 estudiantes en cada ubicación. Debido a que algunos estudiantes continúan de un semestre al siguiente, tenemos lugares disponibles muy limitados)


Mission (Objetivo)

We are here to help you find opportunities in this country and take the next steps in your education and career. English is your first step! (Estamos aquí para ayudarle a encontrar oportunidades en este país y dar los próximos pasos en su educación y carrera. ¡El inglés es su primer paso!)


ELL Flyers


Citizenship class graduationSaturday Citizenship class graduation on July 23, 2018. Two of these students have become U.S. citizens! Congratulations graduates!


Citizenship Class (Clase de ciudadanía)

  • Saturdays from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. (los sabados de 10:00 a 13:00)
  • Located at South Campus (1531 Trinity Church Road, Concord)
  • Classes are in English
  • Registration by appointment. Please call: 704-216-3896

a man holding a tiny American flag and a certificate in front of a backdrop saying

For More Information

Elizabeth Landon, Lead Instructor – South Campus
Concord (Cabarrus County)
1531 Trinity Church Rd. Concord, NC. Building S203, Room 234

Tara Gardner, Lead Instructor – North Campus
Salisbury (Rowan County)
1333 Jake Alexander Blvd. S. Salisbury, NC. Building N110, Room 234